Continuing Education

Across The Company


We believe in constant learning through continued education and professional development in order to train our team, learn from each other, and be the best practicing clinicians in the country.

What It Looks Like

Quarterly Sessions:

Better healthcare starts with us. To be the best we can be for our patients, we need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, ask better questions and think differently about the answers. Sessions occur quarterly and we teach them internally. They allow us to not only be great at what we do but to learn and build new skills that will help us make a difference.

Think Tank:

Each week we co-treat a patient together within each office. The goal of Think Tank is to develop, refine, and discuss clinical reasoning and patient communication so that we can collaborate and grow as clinicians together.

Spinal & Extremity Manipulation Weekend Intensives:

Each quarter we host a continuing education course that focuses on spinal and extremity manipulation. Instructed by both a John Mark Tyler (chiropractor) and Shelly Tyler (manual physical therapy fellow), these course focus on developing and refining manual techniques.

What It Provides

Yearly membership to your professional organization including state chapter and section of interest.

Attend continuing education courses of your interest and your choosing. Many of our clinicians dive deep into topics or explore other areas of wellness.


Access to MedBridge for courses and for home exercise programs.

APTA/ Chiropractic Association

Yearly membership to your professional organization including state chapter and section of interest.

Continued Education Courses

Spinal & Extremity Manipulation Weekend Intensive

Our rehabilitation specialists team up for a weekend intensive course in Owensboro, Kentucky. This course is focused on spinal and extremity manipulation and applying these principles to clinical practice with an evidence-based approach. At RPI we are looking for licensed physical therapists who are approved for 15 contact hours by the Kentucky State Board of Physical Therapy.

Topics of Discussion


Scheduled Courses: No public dates scheduled at this time. Please contact us for a private in-house course hosting.

Course Registration: Please contact for registration prices and private course rates. Please contact Jordan Kocher for any questions.

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