We are always learning here at RPI! If you wonder why you cannot quite move like you used to or if you want to improve your mobility, we can help. Whether you are struggling with discomfort, still recovering from an injury or getting your health on track, our blogs offer tools and suggestions.
Need a little extra help? Contact us here.

Your Elbow Isn’t Your Problem Part 3: It’s Your Spine!
If you’ve stuck with me for the first two parts of this blog, you have probably started to pick up on the theme that everything

How Do I Start Running Without Getting Injured?
As the weather gets nicer and our patients get back to running or start running for the first time, many ask the best ways to

Your Elbow Isn’t Your Problem Part 2: It’s Your Shoulder!
In the first part of this series, I talked about the concept of regional interdependence and that pain in one part of the body can usually be

Your Elbow Isn’t Your Problem—Part 1
The weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting longer, which can only mean one thing- spring is on its way. While I’m sure

How Did My Body End Up this Way?
“How did my body end up this way?” A question that I get asked on a daily basis. Even healthy people who put a lot

Age Does Not Determine Your Ability to Play a Pick-up Game
Age Does Not Determine Your Ability to Play a Pick-up Game Basketball. It’s a way of life for many of us in the Tristate. And