What is the Ideal Body Type for Physical Therapy?

What image comes to mind when you hear the words, “physical therapy?” Is it a big gym with sweaty athletes heaving heavy weights, throwing back Gatorades, and running the length of the clinic faster than you can say, “CrossFit?” Maybe physical therapy is an episode of Grey’s Anatomy – a patient learning to walk again […]
The Best Diet

Preface: I don’t really enjoy using the term ‘diet’ to describe how you are eating for a period of time; instead, we should try to think of the word ‘diet’ as an overall picture of how you eat all of the time. How someone eats can be influenced by a lot of different factors like […]
A Therapist’s Perspective On Living With Diabetes

November is one of my favorite months of the year. It’s the month of Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday), less than 5 weeks from Christmas, and 6 weeks from a new year. While this will be my 40th year of celebrating November, it will be my first year celebrating National Diabetes Awareness month as a new member […]