We are always learning here at RPI! If you wonder why you cannot quite move like you used to or if you want to improve your mobility, we can help. Whether you are struggling with discomfort, still recovering from an injury or getting your health on track, our blogs offer tools and suggestions.
Need a little extra help? Contact us here.

A Therapist’s Guide to Proper Shoe Selection
“What’s a good shoe?” As physical therapists treating patients returning to exercise following injury or currently dealing with foot and leg pain, this is a

A Therapist’s Perspective On Living With Diabetes
November is one of my favorite months of the year. It’s the month of Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday), less than 5 weeks from Christmas, and

What You Actually Need To Know About Your Health Insurance
Health insurance, I know, not the most captivating topic (unless you’re a type A, knowledge-seeking nerd like myself). However, if you can stick with me,

National PT Month….. How a Physical Therapist Saved My Life
Welcome to fall! The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder and Notre Dame is in the top ten. It is also National

My $200 Home Gym
I really enjoy endurance sports because they don’t require much equipment* *Apart from the initial bike purchase. Followed by the second bike purchase which is

Back to School: The Homework Every Child NEEDS!
When my oldest child, Grayson, transitioned from a half-day preschool to a full-day of Kindergarten, I noticed a change in him. Not only was he